Busting Fitness Myths

No sweat! Sneak in activity throughout your day. Take the stairs, park further away, or do squats while the coffee brews. Every minute counts! pen_spark

Myth #5: I Don't Have Time

Push yourself, but listen to your body. Pain is a sign to stop. Discomfort is okay, but sharp pain means rest and consult a healthcare professional.

 Myth #4: No Pain, No Gain

Forget the gym! Bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups require no equipment. Free workout videos online offer tons of options.

Myth #3: Need a Fancy Gym Membership

Not true! Strength training tones and sculpts, not magically builds bulk.

Myth #2:Exercise Means Bulking Up

Fitness is for everyone! Start gradually, celebrate small wins, and feel the amazing benefits!

Myth #1: I'm Too Out of Shape to Start Now