Believe it or not, your chair can be a versatile fitness tool. Tricep dips, step-ups, and seated rows are just a few exercises that can be done using a sturdy chair.
5. Chair Workouts
These low-impact exercises focus on flexibility, strength, and core engagement. They're perfect for improving posture, reducing stress, and building a strong foundation.
4. Yoga or Pilates
Stairs are your friend! Running up and down stairs is a great cardio and leg workout, and you can find them almost anywhere.
3. Stair Climber
Utilize your own bodyweight for a challenging full-body workout. Squats, lunges, push-ups, planks, and jumping jacks are just a few exercises you can combine into a circuit.
2. Bodyweight Circuit
Blast your favorite tunes and let loose! Dancing is a fantastic cardio workout that gets your heart rate up, improves coordination, and is just plain enjoyable.